I got this ID from LitFakes to review alongside my Scanny Tx and a Physical O21 Tx. This Texas is absolutely fucking gorgeous, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. I am Instate so i will be commenting on color matching, formatting and all around general information about this ID and the experience.
My friend has used this ID in uptown with me & my Scanny TX the last few nights and it has worked without question. I’m waiting on Dingo to release the official price, and fingers crossed hopefully a good reselling program, because Texas IDs are in popular demand where i’m from and will sell like hotcakes. I definitely recommend it if you are in-state, and I doubt anyone would have trouble using this in state let alone out of state. Overall the whole ID is extremely well done and the flaws can only be picked out when going over the ID very carefully.
Thanks to LitFakes for the Review ID, it will be used for many drunk nights to come.As always I will update this review further with UV, Higher Quality Scans, and updates on how well it works in stricter venues when possible.
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Once i placed my order i had no need to contact him about anything. PMs i have sent him though in the past and recently about various matters have been replied to as soon as half a day each. All contact i've had with dingo has been very positive and professional.